Step 1.

Fill out the Get Started form.

Our Get Started form allows us to gather basic information to determine what level of research we can provide and give you an estimate on the timing of your report. We can then find the right package that fits your family and interests. If you’re not quite ready, feel free to Contact Us with questions.

Step 2.

New client email confirmation.

Once we receive your family information, we will conduct free trial research, answer any questions you have, and discuss what package is best suited for you.

Step 3.

Pay for your Sapling Package.

Once you decide which package you would like to move forward with, navigate to our Sapling Packages page and checkout via our Store. We will create a reservation for your order and get started working on your report!

Step 4.

The research phase begins!

We do the research and we will get in touch with you about any questions we have. We will let you know of opportunities for upgrades that are available to you.

Step 5.

Delivering your results & upgrade options.

You will receive a digital results package, including a Sapling Report, Pedigree Charts, Narrative Summary, and all other items that are included in the package you selected. You may also request a 1-on-1 discussion with the lead researcher to recap your Sapling reports.