Reports: Sapling is a professional family history service. Upon our completion of your order, you will receive:
The Sapling Report that details the client’s family history, generation-by-generation, with all of the biographical information that we were able to find, going back as far as the client specified, according to the package they purchased.
Pedigree Charts that provide all of the basic information detailing family lines going back as far as the client specified, according to the package they purchased.
A professionally written Narrative Summary that provides a clear and concise overview and guide for the client in reading the Sapling Report and the Sapling Pedigree Charts.
Additional reports as designated for Gold or Platinum packages.
A list of suggestions for future research.
Privacy. All documents are provided via PDF in password-protected files. We omit including any sensitive information about living people in our products.
Example PDFs of our reports are provided on the Sample Reports page. We are exploring options for updated formatting and packaging, but those options are not available at this time.
Sufficiency. If more than 25% of the family lines cannot be traced back to the time designated by the purchased package, a reduced price will be negotiated with the client in advance of conducting the research.
Inaccuracies exist in historical sources. Sapling will endeavor to identify errors and avoid including any such inaccuracies in our products, but some errors inadvertently occur. At times, some information in historical sources may be ambiguous. We may rely on information that according to our expertise has a strong likelihood to be accurate. For example, if there are four people named James Reilly born in Philadelphia in 1820 that seem like possible matches, we will only note potential matches but will not specify anything with certainty. But if there is information that suggests one of these figures has a high likelihood to be the accurate match, we will pursue the research with that individual further. If a client identifies an error in the reports within 90 days of our delivery of the product, we will incorporate the correct information and pursue the research further to fulfill our agreement. Sapling is not otherwise liable for associated errors.
Our Sapling Reports do not contain footnotes at the current package price points, but adding footnotes is available for an additional hourly fee.