Gold Sapling Package
✓ Sapling Report
✓ Pedigree Charts
✓ Photographs (if available)
✓ Biographical Sketches
✓ Summary Report detailing highlights
✓ Trace your family back to the Civil War or point of more recent immigration
✓ Narrative Summary
✓ Trace your family back to Colonial Times (around 1600)
Research Hours: 15
Typical Research Duration: 20-30 Days
✓ Sapling Report
✓ Pedigree Charts
✓ Photographs (if available)
✓ Biographical Sketches
✓ Summary Report detailing highlights
✓ Trace your family back to the Civil War or point of more recent immigration
✓ Narrative Summary
✓ Trace your family back to Colonial Times (around 1600)
Research Hours: 15
Typical Research Duration: 20-30 Days
✓ Sapling Report
✓ Pedigree Charts
✓ Photographs (if available)
✓ Biographical Sketches
✓ Summary Report detailing highlights
✓ Trace your family back to the Civil War or point of more recent immigration
✓ Narrative Summary
✓ Trace your family back to Colonial Times (around 1600)
Research Hours: 15
Typical Research Duration: 20-30 Days